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Dig Deeper

ThetaHealing Course in person, London or online


with Cristina Patel

Asking the right questions is an art which you will master during this course.


We gain knowledge of the core limiting beliefs a person may have, by asking the questions they did not dare to ask themselves.


When you ask the right questions, your client is empowered to acknowledge their own feelings, fears, resentments and in doing so, half of the healing has already taken place.



Over 2 consecutive days course, you will:

  • Practice 8 ways of digging for beliefs by asking different questions

  • Learn how to get to the root cause of fears, illnesses, resentments

  • Release blocks you may have in manifesting

  • Learn how to work on yourself

  • Facilitate and receive multiple healings as the course is mostly practical

  • Become confident in working with clients 

  • Receive downloads to support you in your journey as a healer








You know this course is for you if:

  • You want to reduce the time you spend digging for beliefs

  • You want to make your client's healing experience as graceful as possible

  • You want to practice facilitating healings whilst being guided and supported 

  • You wish to explore what is possible beyond the physical reality

  • You have a desire to tap into past lives 



Will I receive a certificate?

Yes, you will be awarded a certification and be recognised as a Dig Deeper Theta Healing Practitoner.


What do I need to attend?

To attend this theta healing course, you must have taken the Basic DNA Theta Healing Course and Advanced DNA Theta Healing Course.

You will be provided with a Dig Deeper ThetaHealing® Book.



If you read this far, please accept this as a message that


 you are ready to take this course.



Dates for Online Classes

via Zoom
2 days, 9am - 4pm GMT

Alternatively, pay the deposit for any class to secure your place and email us your chosen class / date.

If you're ready to put on your Superhero cape and take all three course over 3 weekends, we've created a special reward for you. Have a look at the Awaken With Me Package where you will receive a discount and a substantial Bonus.

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