advanced dna
ThetaHealing Course in person, London or online
with Cristina Patel
The Advanced DNA ThetaHealing course is the perfect way to tap into the power of the ThetaHealing technique and elevate your healing practice to the next level.
In this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of the ThetaHealing modality and learn how to use it to facilitate profound transformation and healing in your clients. This powerful course will equip you with the knowledge and tools to become a skilled ThetaHealing facilitator.
Over 3 consecutive days course, you will:
Learn how to create new feelings that you may have never experienced and were keeping you grounded in lack
Receive hundreds of downloads so you can attract abundance and positive outcomes
Release Rejection, Resentments, Regrets
Learn about the 7 planes of existence to understand how the world works on the physical and spiritual level
Connect to plants and crystals and learn how to bless your food
Release beliefs from past lives around being a healer
Release vows and commitments
Learn and practice a different meditation to connect to the divine source
Heal the Broken Soul
Heal the Baby in the Womb
Connect to your ancestors
Deepen your manifesting abilities
Bend time
Perform the Heart Song to release anger and sorrow
You know this course is for you if:
You want to enhance your intuitive abilities
You want to become more confident in facilitating a healing session
You want to advance your own person healing and growth
You wish to explore what is possible beyond the physical reality
You have a desire to tap into past lives
Will I receive a certificate?
Yes, you will be awarded a certification and be recognised as an Advanced DNA Theta Healing Practitioner.
What do I need to attend?
To take this course, you must have taken the Basic DNA Theta Healing Course.
You will be provided with an Advanced DNA ThetaHealing® Book and a ThetaHealing® Practitioner Manual.
If you read this far, please accept this as a message that
you are ready to take this course.
Dates for Online Classes
via Zoom
4 days, 9am - 1.15pm GMT
Alternatively, pay the deposit for any class to secure your place and email us your chosen class / date.
What next?
If you wish to further your progress into your healing journey, have a look at the Dig Deeper Theta Healing Course.
If you're ready to put on your Superhero cape and take all three course, we've created a special reward for you. Have a look at the Awaken With Me Package where you will receive a discount and a substantial Bonus.